

We had a recent reader comment on some of the terminology that has been used in this blog. So we thought we would help the un-named reader by defining the term he had a problem with.

Jay-Hanging: The act of technically not jay-walking across the street. This can be accomplished by skipping, leaping, dancing etc. This act is performed by Summers and Hall and whoever we choose to invite. It also is a term used when walking/running/dancing around town instead of driving. You cannot Jay-Hang in a car. 

To help clarify even more the definition of this term we have provided a video:

If you happen to see this going on around here, it's probably Summers. Unless it's at night. Then I might get over my embarrassment of acting in such a way in public. 

So there you go un-named reader. If any of you other lot loiterers would like a term to be defined, please let us know and we will be happy to help. It is now time to go do the homework I should have been doing. Maybe I can just hand in the link to this post..."Professor, I wasn't able to complete the assignment because of this blog post. Here is the link. As you will see it was essential for the education of others on some important terminology. Why yes, I do deserve an A." 

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