

Most of you should remember the dancing man in one of our first posts. Well, maybe you don't remember the actual man since few were really there to witness it but how can you forget the youtube video we put up instead? If you haven't seen it, go watch it. It will bring a smile to your face, happiness to your heart and a little awkwardness to your stomach.
Well last night we had another visitor to our parking lot to challenge our original dancer. And we must admit this one was better. And it lasted longer so that added some points. We tried to video it but it didn't really work!  

 I promise he wasn't dancing to the beat of his own drum, there really was music. 

We could see him fine but it was too dark for the camera. Sorry, you guys missed out. Maybe there can be a repeat sometime a little earlier so we can actually film it this time. (Hint hint) 

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