
Top that!

Well.  It's been a while since there has been a real post. Come on people. The weather hasn't been that cold. And even then, let's get this parking lot moving! Would it help if I put up a schedule of when there is an audience on the bench?

  Between Summers and I tag teaming on the bench we have seen a few things.

  • To the girl listening to your i-pod and dancing while you are walking: you are awesome. I was happy because you were happy. Keep it up. 
  • To the guy whistling "Somewhere out there" (as in the song, not referencing his location as was miscommunicated earlier): I hope you are enjoying your time in America and have been able to find your family. (If you have experienced confusion on that reference go watch an American Tale. I haven't seen that forever. I mostly remember weird looking animals... and riding around on soap. Wouldn't that be awesome?! Who wants to make some giant soap bars that we can ride around on in the parking lot?) 

One of these times when Summers and I are riding our bikes through the parking lot, walking through, or just sitting on the bench we would really like to see this.  Summers will be the girl in the hat. 

Disclaimer: Summers is already hip. 

1 comment:

  1. Before I read the post and just saw the title, that song popped right into my head. And it is not going away.
