

"Hey guys, I think it's raining outside!"

Sorry neighbor. It wasn't raining. The parking lot was just all wet from washing the chalk off the asphalt. Normally we support most forms of chalk art, like this:


Or this

Although being where we are this might be more appropriate:

 Wow. Tangent. Anyway, when it involves someone's  telephone number 5 feet high it needs to be removed. Or that's what some of the girls tried to do. The victim started to receive text messages from all ages and ethnicities. (Although why someone would tell you their ethnicity after the third text is a little strange, but then again she did ask how old they were after the second)  It was pretty funny. Some of them even wanted to meet her. Creepy? A little.

Turns out the original prankers were continuing their mischievousness by using an app to text her from what she thought were different people. It  was hilarious when she found out she was still being played, I wish it happened in the parking lot so you all could have seen or heard it. But then again you might of, it was pretty loud. 

But seriously, if any of you can do this kind of art, please come by our parking lot!

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