
Hey stud

We have had an addition to the number lost on our front porch.

 Call me stud.

Due to lack of clarification we aren't sure what exactly this means. Do you want us to call you stud? Like, "Hey stud! How are you today?" "Ya that was Stud that just came by and wrote on our porch". In that case you either have an unusual family name or lack a little humility.
 Or are you calling us stud? Well, you are right, we are studs. Although usually we normally associate that with males. So. In case of confusion there are no males living here.

 We have asked several males currently present what the female equivalent of stud is. For clarification by stud we mean a really cool guy. A stud muffin, whatever that means.  Here is the list:
  • Sassy
  • Princess
  • Gorgeous
  • Pretty
  • Beautiful
Hmmmm. We aren't sure about these options. They are nice but we were thinking something more like your...
  • Excellency
  • Majesty
  • Grace
  • Lady
Eh..... Maybe these options won't work out as well either. "She is an Excellency" or "She is such a Grace" sounds a little weird. I guess we might just have to stick with "She's a really cool girl". 

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm thinking your professors really need to assign more homework. ...
    I am also thinking that you guys need to write a message back to whoever is leaving numbers and using gender-contrarian (made that up) names to get your attention. ! I mean, think of the fun. Although, you might want to set up a camera just to make sure you are not playing this game with a complete weirdo.
