
My heart will go on....and so is their singing

Post: 5
What: Titanic karaoke at a party in mexico
Who: Hall, Summers and Christison

Sunday night now. 11:00 p.m.

Thank you apartment....B something? I think. We enjoyed your karaoke rendition of "My heart will go on." It was great. Really though, it was pretty good! And I'm pretty sure your door opened while you were singing "Once more you open the door." Nice touch.

For those of you who were not serenaded this evening we have provided your own opportunity to sing it loud and proud to your parking lot. Go on. They'll love it so much they will probably blog about it. :)

Our neighbor just said something like. "Go back to Mexico and have a drink!" Hmmm. Mexico... sounds kind of nice with this cold weather coming. Who could we go have a drink with??? (non-alchoholic of course.)
How about these guys...
OR these guys. 

I have a feeling you for sure wouldn't need alcohol to be entertained with these three around.

Mexico anyone?

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