
Straw Hat Man

Post: 2
What: Straw hat man
Who: Summers and Hall

The other day two boys entered our parking lot from the North East corner and crossed through our parking lot. One had a straw hat:

The other had Red Hair

They both were on longboards.

Summers yelled, "Nice hat!"  
 He turned and yelled, "Nice Mac! (the first of many ventriloquist tricks of Summers and Hall) 
But Summers didn't have a Mac, Hall did. Silly boy. Pay more attention next time. 

They came back a moment later from the corner by the Midget dumpster with a very large, overstuffed chair. 

That's not going to fit through their door. 

Note: While the images used may not portray the complete truth, the story is 100% true. Would we really make up such a boring story?

What do you think they are doing with overstuffed chair?

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