
Falling for your dancing skills

Post: #3
What: What the....
Who: Summers and Hall

We are back on the porch after some jay-hanging (we decided to start some new slang). The MoTab concert is over and the couples are streaming out! (38 so far)
We have to be careful though, two of our roommates are out and we need to do a quick duck and roll when we see them coming. We don't want to make the door step scene any more awkward. 


  • We just saw a guy fall for his date. Quite literally actually, he tripped on the stairs going up. :)
  • Some girl just chased after her date and they walked away together...hmmm must have been a good date. 
  • Two girls just showed up to the apartment that the dejected boy came to earlier....they just came out again. 
  • Wait a minute....wait a minute!! Some suburban is pulling onto the parking lot with really loud music. Summers has started dancing. The guy who was driving turns up the music, jumps out of the car and starts dancing like crazy!!! What!? This is really happening. I'm telling you, our parking lot is awesome. Summers is still dancing up on our balcony and then runs into the apartment embarrassed. She just came out and tries to secretly take a picture for our blog. She forgot to turn the flash off. Awkward. With all that trouble we have to put it up. 

They knew we were up here...and with all of their windows down they had to have seen it. And the suburban just drove off.....no one got out to go to their apartment. They must have wanted to get on our blog. 

Since we were unable to capture the beautiful awkwardness of the actual dance, we found another white guy to entertain you. I'm sure if our friend kept going this is what it would have looked like. 

  • One apartment has a harem of men in and out....maybe we should see what their secret is. Probably cookies. 
  • 40 couples and counting. 
  • 42.
  • A couple just left to go on a jog.
 "The couple that exercises together stays together." -Observation by Summers. 

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