
Happy Halloween!

We have seen some costumes this last weekend with Halloween coming up and we expect to see more this week! What would be really cool if a group did something like this: 


The return of straw hat man and friend...

Remember these guys? 

We do. They keep doing random stuff as they cross the parking lot. Today while Summers and I were on the bench they walked from behind the building. Suddenly one was overcome with the urge to dance while watching himself in the car window. We laughed. They looked.  We laughed even more. I think there was a little embarrassment on their part which was worth the entertainment on ours.


Top that!

Well.  It's been a while since there has been a real post. Come on people. The weather hasn't been that cold. And even then, let's get this parking lot moving! Would it help if I put up a schedule of when there is an audience on the bench?

  Between Summers and I tag teaming on the bench we have seen a few things.

  • To the girl listening to your i-pod and dancing while you are walking: you are awesome. I was happy because you were happy. Keep it up. 
  • To the guy whistling "Somewhere out there" (as in the song, not referencing his location as was miscommunicated earlier): I hope you are enjoying your time in America and have been able to find your family. (If you have experienced confusion on that reference go watch an American Tale. I haven't seen that forever. I mostly remember weird looking animals... and riding around on soap. Wouldn't that be awesome?! Who wants to make some giant soap bars that we can ride around on in the parking lot?) 

One of these times when Summers and I are riding our bikes through the parking lot, walking through, or just sitting on the bench we would really like to see this.  Summers will be the girl in the hat. 

Disclaimer: Summers is already hip. 


Bless you whoever you are

        It's been a while since a post has been up. Since a lot of people were gone (including us), I bet nothing too exciting happened in the parking lot. But we are back and it's a new week! Bring on the events! But really, nothing has been happening. Let's go people.

I would like to take a moment to thank three individuals this evening. First, thank you random stranger last night who found my debit card. It's nice to know we have honest people in our parking lot. Thank you roommate and roommates's fiancé for being at the right place at the right time to relay the card to me.
Thank you Mollie. I don't know what for but she is next to me and said to include her in this part. So there you go.  (Some voice next to me just prompted me to say thank you to Mollie for being my best friend at our complex.)

This post seems empty without a picture or video. So here you go.

Ya. I was was disturbed the first time I saw this too. But having him in our parking lot would make for a great blog post. So if any of you know Thor, please send him this way. 



"Hey guys, I think it's raining outside!"

Sorry neighbor. It wasn't raining. The parking lot was just all wet from washing the chalk off the asphalt. Normally we support most forms of chalk art, like this:


Or this

Although being where we are this might be more appropriate:

 Wow. Tangent. Anyway, when it involves someone's  telephone number 5 feet high it needs to be removed. Or that's what some of the girls tried to do. The victim started to receive text messages from all ages and ethnicities. (Although why someone would tell you their ethnicity after the third text is a little strange, but then again she did ask how old they were after the second)  It was pretty funny. Some of them even wanted to meet her. Creepy? A little.

Turns out the original prankers were continuing their mischievousness by using an app to text her from what she thought were different people. It  was hilarious when she found out she was still being played, I wish it happened in the parking lot so you all could have seen or heard it. But then again you might of, it was pretty loud. 

But seriously, if any of you can do this kind of art, please come by our parking lot!



Most of you should remember the dancing man in one of our first posts. Well, maybe you don't remember the actual man since few were really there to witness it but how can you forget the youtube video we put up instead? If you haven't seen it, go watch it. It will bring a smile to your face, happiness to your heart and a little awkwardness to your stomach.
Well last night we had another visitor to our parking lot to challenge our original dancer. And we must admit this one was better. And it lasted longer so that added some points. We tried to video it but it didn't really work!  

 I promise he wasn't dancing to the beat of his own drum, there really was music. 

We could see him fine but it was too dark for the camera. Sorry, you guys missed out. Maybe there can be a repeat sometime a little earlier so we can actually film it this time. (Hint hint) 



We had a recent reader comment on some of the terminology that has been used in this blog. So we thought we would help the un-named reader by defining the term he had a problem with.

Jay-Hanging: The act of technically not jay-walking across the street. This can be accomplished by skipping, leaping, dancing etc. This act is performed by Summers and Hall and whoever we choose to invite. It also is a term used when walking/running/dancing around town instead of driving. You cannot Jay-Hang in a car. 

To help clarify even more the definition of this term we have provided a video:

If you happen to see this going on around here, it's probably Summers. Unless it's at night. Then I might get over my embarrassment of acting in such a way in public. 

So there you go un-named reader. If any of you other lot loiterers would like a term to be defined, please let us know and we will be happy to help. It is now time to go do the homework I should have been doing. Maybe I can just hand in the link to this post..."Professor, I wasn't able to complete the assignment because of this blog post. Here is the link. As you will see it was essential for the education of others on some important terminology. Why yes, I do deserve an A."